Tuesday, September 23, 2014

"Be yourself - No one can ever tell you you're doing it wrong." *

     We are under pressure our entire lives to conform to the norm. It starts in grade school with our entrance into the school structure, where we learn about right and wrong answers. The conga line continues on into our teens years with peer pressure keeping us in line with what our supposed friends think is "cool".
As young adults, we are admonished to be like our successful friends or college classmates, as if they have discovered some sort of secret to adult happiness through social or corporate climbing. Finally, as we mature, we start to hear exhortations about "not giving up on our dreams" while we are prodded to remain politically correct and socially acceptable.

     My duty to myself and therefore to you is to tell you that it is all bunk. True happiness is found by being honest to yourself first and not living life others have imagined for you. If you want to know what will make you happy, you don't need me or anyone else to point it out to you. Just listen to what your inner voice is telling you already.

     Do yourself a favor and take 15 minutes today and listen to your inner voice as it guides you to what is right for you. And remember "To thine own self be true." **

Quotes by: *James Leo Herlihy and **Wm. Shakespeare

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