Wednesday, August 20, 2014

3 Rules for Shave Club

Everyone know that Shaving sucks, but we do it because it helps us seem more civilized and more acceptable to our spouses. However, as I get older, I see less and less sense in a daily ritual in which I scrape the outer layer of skin off my face, so I am going to start to cut myself some slack. Do you want some slack, too?

Then join with me in Shave Club. 

Shave Club is a new club I'm starting for anyone just brave enough to flout social convention while still wanting to remain within the bounds of what is socially acceptable. It is easy to join; all you have to do is follow three simple rules:

First rule of Shave Club - under no circumstances are you to shave until it itches.

Second rule of Shave Club - beards (facial or underarm) are to be worn during any month with an "R" in it.

Third rule of Shave Club - tell no one you are in Shave Club

If anyone can think of any rules that I have forgotten, be sure to let me know - can't guarantee we'll follow them, but it would be nice to hear your thoughts.

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