Tuesday, August 12, 2014

Why Robin Williams Did It

Robin Williams decided to take himself out. He made a decision that he simply didn't want to play anymore. He was too weary, too sad, he was alone to his bones, he was anxious, sick of himself and he saw no reason to continue. How do I know? Because I've been there.
Robin Williams with all his money, talent and fame looked to his future and all he could see was a continuing dark cloud; a gathering gloom that would consume all joy and happiness. He knew in his heart that his best years were behind him. His youth had been stolen by the passing of time and his talent had run dry as all finite resources must; these are the lies depression tells you.
It was a practical decision really. Probably one of the most rational decisions he had ever made. Better the silence and nothingness of the grave than the continued anguish and painful existence waiting to die in this meaningless existence. 
Some may think it took a lot of courage to stand up, put that noose around his neck and kick out the chair. For those of us who suffer from depression and have been there and back again, we know it takes just as much courage to get down off of that chair, fight our demons and face the future.

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