Sunday, October 18, 2015

Simple chores, simple pleasures

I spent most of the day yesterday cleaning up leaves  with my children. Leaf clean up is no simple thing in our corner lot as we have 5 maples, 2 crab apples, an elder tree and a big chestnut in the back yard. We have lots of leaves. Plus, we take care of our elderly neighbor's yard for her - 2 apple trees, 3 birch, 2 elder trees, which adds to the total quite a bit. It is quite a project. I'm always glad when it is done.

Leaf clean up is one of those chores that I dread but look forward to at the same time. I get a strange feeling of satisfaction by taking a scene of such chaos; leaves strewn about, a carpet of many colors covering my yard; and turning it into an orderly, serene landscape. I feel a sense of teamwork when Sarah and Steven work side-by-side to accomplish a common goal. Overall, leaf clean-up sucks but is still a satisfying chore. 

Wednesday, September 9, 2015

Up Front - A New Adventure

Tomorrow begins another adventure in this always unfolding story called life. On September 10th, I begin as co-host of a local radio show called Up Front. (9:00 to 10:00 AM on AM960 KLTF, also available on-line at ).
Up Front is a call-in show dedicated to current events, politics and good government. As anyone who knows me, these topics are right in my wheel house. It should be fun.
So, give it a listen Monday through Thursday at 9:00 and let me know how I am doing. Call in and let me know whether I am a star or a knucklehead, after all, its just your opinion. And I want to know.

Thursday, September 3, 2015

“Don't agonize, organize.”

“Don't agonize, organize.” - Florynce R. Kennedy

Are you under pressure at work? Feeling a little "blue" about something going on in your life? Perhaps frustration with a situation is starting to mount because you can't quite get to the solution, even though you know it is there? Then it is time to do a little organization...

I always insure that I have sufficient clutter and mess in my office to sift through when I have a problem to solve or emotions to process.  I find that when I am struggling with a situation or need to work through something, organizing my office tends to help. There is something about the mindlessness of filing, sorting or categorizing that takes up just enough of my brain to keep my mind off my problem, but still allows my unconscious mind to work on a solution. Many times, an idea or solution will present itself while I am tidying up and voila' - problem solved, feelings processed.

Plus, I have the bonus of a neater workspace.

So, don't be in a rush to clean off your desk every day, let the clutter build up a bit. Leave yourself a few piles of "stuff" to go through next time you need to take a creative break or emotional "time out".

What to do today: Release your inner slob.

What to keep in mind: A cluttered desk is a tool in the creative process.

Wednesday, April 15, 2015

Everyone Has One

 I never make the mistake of arguing with people for whose opinions I have no respect.  Edward Gibbon


It is sometimes depressing what people seem to think they are owed today. Some people believe they are owed an income forcibly taken from others, just because they exist. Others seem to think they are owed a political office because they have "paid their dues".  But the most depressing development of the modern world of the internet, online blogs and social media is that now people seem to think I need to respect their opinion.

Don't get me wrong, in a society as rich as ours, no one should go hungry or homeless; God has given us plenty to share and he commands us to do so. Also, everyone is entitled to an opinion, even when it is misinformed, illogical, self-centered, uneducated, formed by sloppy thinking or prejudiced. However, don't expect me support you in your sinful behavior or to respect your opinion when it is based upon one of the above.

When you trash my religion, disrespect my deeply held beliefs, insult my entire way of living my life because of the latest social trend or passing social cause, don't expect me to respect you as a serious person. When you try to force me to put my eternal soul in jeopardy because of your misplaced sense of "social justice" don't expect me to not fight back.