Friday, January 1, 2016

New Year

Another year passes into history. The clock strikes Midnight and the calendar changes the big number at the end. Is it a milestone or is it just another day? Face it, tomorrow morning will come and you will pretty much do the same thing you've done on other weekend mornings. Unless one changes their thought process and their attitude, nothing else will change in one's life. I believe that return to routine is neither good nor bad; but it can be suffocating.
If one wants something in their life to change, the calendar is the last thing that should influence that change, One can change their attitude on any day of the week, even at any time during the day; all it takes is the sincere desire to change. However, the change of the calendar IS a good excuse to make some changes. The beginning of 2016 can be the first day of the rest of a NEW life, all you need to do is change your thought process a wee little bit everyday.
The most valuable lesson I learned by running 3 marathons in my life is that one can do anything they wish to do but only if they want it bad enough and show patience for the changes to occur. One does not go out and run 26.2 miles without building up to the event. When one increases the load a little every day or every week, when one makes small changes consistently but patiently, one can accomplish big things.
You have the power to make 2016 as happy as you choose. I hope you join me in choosing to make 2016 a great year!

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